Following the appointment of the new Cabinet, the Forest Sector now reports to the ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts, while the Wildlife and Parks Sectors report to the ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte aux changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs. Adjustments will be made to the website over time.

Power, Hugues

Hugues Power graduated from Laval University in forest management and environment (B. Sc., 1998). From to 1999 to 2006, he worked as a forest engineer on forest inventory, private forest management, and environmental certification. He obtained a master’s degree in forest science from Laval University in 2009 by submitting a thesis on the modelling of jack pine’s crown recession. In 2013, he obtained a Ph. D. in biology from the University of Québec at Montreal (UQAM) by working on modelling allometric relationships in white and black spruce. He has been working as a researcher on growth modelling for the Direction de la recherche forestière since 2012. His work focuses on forest growth and yield models, as well as the development of decision support tools applicable to temperate hardwood and mixedwood forests.

Link to Hugues Power’s page on ReseachGate 

Link to the list of Hugues Power’s publications in French

List of publications in English by Power, Hugues