Following the appointment of the new Cabinet, the Forest Sector now reports to the ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts, while the Wildlife and Parks Sectors report to the ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte aux changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs. Adjustments will be made to the website over time.

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Published in Ecohydrology 11(7): e2014.

Sapwood area is an important parameter for estimating transpiration at whole-tree and watershed scales, given that it is used for scaling up point sap flow measurements. However, its determination may be difficult, particularly for large-diameter trees of diffuse-porous, broad-leaved species. By delineating only the highly conductive sapwood, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) may be more appropriate than sapwood dyeing for estimating tree sapwood area. We compared sapwood area measurements made with ERT with those that were obtained from wood dyeing, assuming that the more adequate measure was that which was best correlated with tree leaf area. To achieve this objective, we sampled 31 sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and 20 yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britt.) trees covering a large range of tree diameters and leaf areas from one site located in eastern Canada. Also, 79 sugar maple trees were sampled in two other sites to document the estimation of tree leaf area over a large territory. The sapwood area that was determined from ERT appeared to be the best method for scaling up point sap flow measurements to whole-tree transpiration. The predictive ability of ERT was particularly greater than that of wood dyeing when they were both measured at 1 m. If the objective is to estimate tree leaf area rather than sapwood area, the crown surface area would provide a useful substitute for the ERT method because it is rapid and easy to measure while serving a robust predictor applicable over a large territory.




Scientific Article


Forestry Research, Forests, Silviculture

Departmental author(s): 


MOREAU, Edouard, Steve BÉDARD, Sharad Kumar BARAL and David POTHIER

Year of publication :


Format :

PDF available upon request

Keywords :

dimensions de cime, aubier, zone d'écolement de la sève, érable à sucre, bouleau jaune, sylviculture et rendement des forêts naturelles - peuplements feuillus, article scientifique de recherche forestière, Acer saccharum, Betula alleghaniensis, silviculture and yield of natural forests - hardwood stands, crown dimensions, sap flow area, sapwood area, sugar maple, yellow birch
