Following the appointment of the new Cabinet, the Forest Sector now reports to the ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts, while the Wildlife and Parks Sectors report to the ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte aux changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs. Adjustments will be made to the website over time.

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Published in Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 6(2): 297-305

Tunisia has made considerable efforts to solve major environmental problems. Reforestation of vast marginal spaces with appropriate species, such as poplar, is one of the economic and environmental challenges (I-488). The fast-growingof this rupicolous species has a high specific versatility in its use. However, its need for water will limit their use in reforestation in areas where water resources are scarce. To cope with this situation, the use of unconventional water resources, including wastewater treatment, is a promising way to increase domestic production of wood.  Thus, the treated wastewater is valued as a source of unquestionable water, but also as a source of nutrients. These plants were raised under non-binding for four months and divided into two lots irrigated daily to field capacity with (i) potable water (control : T) and (ii) with treated waste water (TWW). Biomass production, gas exchange and some mineral ions were measured during the experiment, in summer. Our results indicate that irrigation with treated wastewater has submitted a substantially marked effect resulting in an increase of gas exchange. Furthermore, after 60 days, the accumulation of certain metal ions (Cd, Pb and Ni) has resulted in a major malfunction on gas exchange.




Scientific Article


Forestry Research, Forests, Seeds and Forest Seedlings Production

Departmental author(s): 


ZARATI, Houda, Khaled MGUIS, Mejda ABASSI, Hager JOUILI, Ali ALBOUCHI, Ammari YOUSSEF, Mohammed S. LAMHAMEDI et Zoubeir BÉJAOUI

Year of publication :



2220-6663; En ligne : 2222-3045

Keywords :

eaux usées, échanges gazeux, croissance, nutrition minérale, peuplier noir, populus nigra, production de semences et de plants, article scientifique de recherche forestière, forest tree improvement, black poplar, treated waste water, gas exchange, growth, mineral nutrition
