Following the appointment of the new Cabinet, the Forest Sector now reports to the ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts, while the Wildlife and Parks Sectors report to the ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte aux changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs. Adjustments will be made to the website over time.

Disjunct jack pine (Pinus banksiana) populations of the boreal forest in eastern Canada: expanding, declining, or stable?

Published in Botany, 95: 697-707

Plant species are unique in their biological traits and biogeographical history, resulting in distinctive species distributions. Continuous and fragmented ranges of varying size and shape have captured the interest of biogeographers. Fragmented distribution into isolated populations is a common pattern of temperate and boreal species caused by contraction and expansion processes. Jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.), a North American tree species, is among a multitude of species showing fragmented distributions to isolated populations. Whether disjunct jack pine forests are remnants of larger Holocene populations or newly established populations due to long-distance transport remains unanswered. We used a retrospective approach based on soil macro-charcoal analysis to address the question of residency of a disjunct population in the boreal forest. The studied forest forms a disjunct population of a former regional population that has contracted since the mid-Holocene. Short to moderately long-fire intervals have occurred over the last 6000 years to maintain the species in a fire-prone sandy environment, thereby assuring its regeneration and survival. Disjunct distributions similar to the studied pine population are often caused by regional extirpation of populations in which environmental contraction produces small ecological refugia where local conditions remain suitable through time for a species to complete its life cycle.

The early bud gets the cold: Diverging spring phenology drives exposure to late frost in a Picea mariana [(Mill.) BSP] common garden

Published in Physiologia Plantarum 174(6): e13798.

Under climate change, the increasing occurrence of late frost combined with advancing spring phenology can increase the risk of frost damage in trees. In this study, we tested the link between intra-specific variability in bud phenology and frost exposure and damages. We analysed the effects of the 2021 late frost event in a black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP) common garden in Québec, Canada. We hypothesised that the timing of budbreak drives the exposure of vulnerable tissues and explains differences in frost damage. Budbreak was monitored from 2015 to 2021 in 371 trees from five provenances originating between 48° and 53° N and planted in a common garden at 48° N. Frost damages were assessed on the same trees through the proportion of damaged buds per tree and related to the phenological phases by ordinal regressions. After an unusually warm spring, minimum temperatures fell to −1.9°C on May 28 and 29, 2021. At this moment, trees from the northern provenances were more advanced in their phenology and showed more frost damage. Provenances with earlier budbreak had a higher probability of damage occurrence according to ordinal regression. Our study highlights the importance of intra-specific variability of phenological traits on the risk of frost exposure. We provide evidence that the timings of bud phenology affect sensitivity to frost, leading to damages at temperatures of −1.9°C. Under the same conditions, the earlier growth reactivation observed in the northern provenances increases the risks of late frost damage on the developing buds.

Permineralization process promotes preservation of Holocene macrofossil charcoal in soils

Published in Journal of Quaternary Science, 26: 571-575.

The use of macrofossil soil charcoal as a palaeoecological tool to reconstruct past vegetation, climate or fire history has gained much interest in recent years. Yet, little is known about the taphonomy of charcoal in soils. Here, we assessed the putative loss of palaeoecological information due to charcoal fragmentation after burial. We found no significant loss of charcoal mass with time. Instead, we found a significant positive relationship between the mass of charcoal particles and their age. Permineralization of charcoal particles older than ca. 5200 a explained the increased charcoal mass with time in mineral soils. The permineralization process increased the density of charcoal particles (resulting in a two-fold increase particle mass) and, thus, offers a protection against subsequent degradation. Our results suggest high stability of palaeoecological information from charcoal macrofossils buried in mineral soils at least over the Holocene timescale.

Macrocharcoal-based chronosequences reveal shifting dominance of conifer boreal forests under changing fire regime

Published in Ecosystems, 21: 1183-1195.

Balsam fir (Abies balsamea) and black spruce (Picea mariana) forests are the main conifer forest types in the North American boreal zone. The coexistence of the two species as well as their respective canopy dominance in distinct stands raises questions about the long-term evolution from one forest type to the other in relation to environmental factors including climate and stand disturbance. We tested the hypothesis that repetitive fire events promote the succession of balsam fir forests to black spruce forests and vice versa. Post-fire chronosequences of one black spruce (BSP) and one balsam fir (BFI) site were reconstructed based on the botanical composition and ¹⁴C-dated soil macro-charcoals. The results support the hypothesis of successional dynamics. The BSP site has been affected by fire for the past 7600 years, whereas the BFI site, after having been affected by several fires during the first-half of the Holocene, evolved in a fire-free environment for the last 4400 years. Periods of fire activity facilitated the dominance of black spruce forests. The cessation of fires around 4400 cal. years BP on the BFI site marks the beginning of the transition from black spruce to balsam fir stands. This succession is a long process, due to the ability of black spruce to regenerate by layering in the absence of fire. The resulting balsam fir stands are ancient and precarious ecosystems, since fire generally leads to the return of black spruce. The increase in balsam fir to the detriment of black spruce in boreal forests is a response to a decrease in fire frequency.

Method to reduce the bias on digital terrain model and canopy height model from Lidar data

Published in Remote Sensing, vol 11(7), p. 863.

Underestimation of LiDAR heights, which is linked to the pulse’s probability of reaching the top of vegetation and the ground, is widely known but has never been evaluated for different sensors and for diverse types of ecological conditions. The main causes for this underestimation are: pulse density, scan pattern (sensors), scan angles, and specific contract parameters (flight altitude, pulse repetition frequency), together with territory characteristics (slope, stand density, species composition). This study, which was conducted at a 1 × 1 m resolution, calculated the bias of both the digital terrain model (DTM) and canopy height model (CHM) by subtracting two LiDAR datasets: high-density pixels with 21 pulses/m² (first return) and more (DTM or CHM reference value pixels); and low-density pixels (DTM or CHM value to correct). After preliminary analyses, we concluded that the DTM did not need any specific adjustment; only CHM needed it. Among the variables studied, three were selected for the final CHM adjustment model and an empirical equation using a non-linear mixed model was developed. CHM underestimation correction could be applied before using the CHM for volume calculations, in forest growth models or for multi-temporal analysis.