Following the appointment of the new Cabinet, the Forest Sector now reports to the ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts, while the Wildlife and Parks Sectors report to the ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte aux changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs. Adjustments will be made to the website over time.

Bud break in sugar maple submitted to changing conditions simulating a northward migration

Published in Can. J. For. Res. 51(6): 842-847.

Assisted migration, the human-mediated movement of species and populations, is one adaptive strategy to climate change. Plant phenology affects the survival and distribution of species under local conditions, and its potential modifications need to be explored in the context of assisted migration. We conducted identical experiments in January and April (experiment I and II) and monitored the timing of bud break in sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marshall) under cooling and longer photoperiod to simulate a northward migration. The bud break in experiment II started 55 days earlier than experiment I. In experiment I, a longer photoperiod was more effective than warming in advancing bud break. Compared with experiment II, cooling and long photoperiod had stronger effect in experiment I. Our results demonstrated the significant effect of chilling and confirmed that photoperiod outweighs temperature in initiating bud break when the chilling requirement is unfulfilled. These findings suggest that the future mild winters in the southern range of sugar maple may reduce chilling accumulation and result in the delayed bud break. Sugar maples migrating northward could benefit from longer day lengths, which could partly counteract the delayed effects of colder springs in northern regions, thus ensuring a sufficient growth period.

Influence of individual tree characteristics, spatial structure and logging history on tree-related microhabitat occurrence in North American hardwood forests

Published in Forest Ecosystems 8(1): 27.

Background: Tree-related microhabitats (hereafter, “TreMs”) are key components of forest biodiversity but they are still poorly known in North American hardwood forests. The spatial patterns of living trees bearing TreMs (hereafter, “TreM-trees”) also remain to be determined. As logging practices can lead to a loss of TreM-trees and of their associated biodiversity, it is essential to identify the factors explaining TreM occurrence to better integrate them into forest management. We therefore inventoried TreMs in 4 0.5-ha survey strips in northern hardwood forests in Quebec, Canada, while recording the spatial location of each tree. Two strips were located in unmanaged oldgrowth forests, and 2 were in forests managed under selection cutting. All 4 stands were dominated by sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) and American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrn.). Beech bark disease, an exotic pathology, was observed in all the strips.

Results: Large diameter at breast height and low tree vigor were the main characteristics explaining the presence of TreMs at the tree scale. TreM-trees presented slight spatial aggregation patterns. These aggregates, however, were not well-defined and were generally constituted by a large number of trees bearing few different types of TreMs. Two TreM classes (broken branch or top and woodpecker lodge) also presented a spatial aggregation. Logging practices had no significant effect on TreM occurrence. Beech bark disease increased the frequency of senescent beeches. The impact of this pathology on TreMs was however mitigated by the small size of infected trees and probably by the short time elapsed since its appearance.

Conclusion: The factors explaining the presence and abundance of TreMs on trees has so far been little studied in North American hardwood forests. Our results highlight that TreM-tree characteristics in the surveyed forests are consistent with those of previous studies conducted in other forest types and regions (e.g., Europe or Northwestern America). To our knowledge, this study is also the first to identify a spatial aggregation of TreM-trees and of specific TreM classes. It will be nevertheless necessary to determine whether the small impact of logging activities we observed results from current or past management practices.

Modelling the spatial structure of white spruce plantations and their changes after various thinning treatments

Published in Forests 12(6): 740.

Research Highlights: The spatial distribution of trees results from several ecological processes that can be difficult to measure. We applied a point process modelling approach that uses the diameter and species of neighbouring trees to represent inter-tree interactions through repulsive and attractive processes. Thinning treatments slightly influence the tree spatial distribution of trees in white spruce plantations. Integrating this “spatialiser” into growth models could help improve stand simulations following various thinning treatments over larger areas and longer periods. It could also allow for the use of spatially explicit models when tree position is not available. Background and Objectives: Tree spatial patterns result from several ecological processes and have important implications in forest ecology and management. The use of spatial information can significantly improve our understanding of forest structures. However, this implies intensive field work that is rarely integrated into forest inventories. The aims of this study were to develop a spatial distribution simulator of trees in white spruce plantations and to evaluate the influence of thinning treatments. Materials and Methods: A point process modelling approach was used to represent inter-tree interactions through repulsive and attractive process in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) plantations in eastern Quebec, Canada, that had been commercially thinned five years ago. Balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) and hardwoods together can represent 30–40% of the basal area of these plantations. Results: The diameter and species of each tree’s two closest neighbours were found to be the most important predictors in explaining the observed distances between trees. Despite the short period since thinning treatments, results showed that the treatment had slight significant effects on tree interactions. However, their impact on the global spatial distribution of stands is quite limited. Conclusions: Using only a few readily-available variables (species and diameter of trees), this “spatialiser” will make it possible to assign spatial coordinates to trees and generate realistic stand spatial structures even after various silvicultural treatments.

Comparing soil profiles of adjacent forest stands with contrasting tree densities: lichen woodlands vs. black spruce–feathermoss stands in the continuous boreal forest

Published in Can. J. Soil Sci. 98(3): 458-468.

We studied mature and adjacent open lichen–spruce woodlands (LWs) and closed-canopy spruce–feathermoss stands (FMs) growing under similar edaphic conditions in the continuous boreal forest zone in Quebec (Canada). A total of six pairs of stands were investigated by profile sampling. Stem density, basal area, and biomass were about four times greater in FMs than in LWs on an area basis. In the humus layer, total stocks of C and N and of exchangeable K, Ca, Mg, Al, and Na were 1.4–2.3 times larger in FM than in LW soils. The first 30 cm and the first metre of mineral soils in LWs and FMs displayed similar available nutrient pools except for total C stocks, which were more than twice as large in FM as in LW soils in these soil layers. For the whole profile, total stocks of C and N and stocks of exchangeable Ca and Mg were 1.3–2.6 times larger in FM than in LW soils. These results highlight the low intrinsic fertility of LW soils, primarily due to the humus layer, but also the importance of the biological control of C, N, and mineral nutrients in these boreal soils.

A meta-analysis of mesophyll conductance to CO2 in relation to major abiotic stresses in poplar species

Published in Journal of Experimental Botany.

Mesophyll conductance (gm) determines the diffusion of CO2 from the substomatal cavities to the site of carboxylation in the chloroplasts and represents a critical component of the diffusive limitation of photosynthesis. In this study, we evaluated the average effect sizes of different environmental constraints on gm in Populus spp., a forest tree model. We collected raw data of 815 A–Ci response curves from 26 datasets to estimate gm, using a single curve-fitting method to alleviate method-related bias. We performed a meta-analysis to assess the effects of different abiotic stresses on gm. We found a significant increase in gm from the bottom to the top of the canopy that was concomitant with the increase of maximum rate of carboxylation and light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Amax). gm was positively associated with increases in soil moisture and nutrient availability, but was insensitive to increasing soil copper concentration and did not vary with atmospheric CO2 concentration. Our results showed that gm was strongly related to Amax and to a lesser extent to stomatal conductance (gs). Moreover, a negative exponential relationship was obtained between gm and specific leaf area, which may be used to scale-up gm within the canopy.