Following the appointment of the new Cabinet, the Forest Sector now reports to the ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts, while the Wildlife and Parks Sectors report to the ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte aux changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs. Adjustments will be made to the website over time.

High genetic variation and moderate to high values for genetic parameters of Picea abies resistance to Pissodes strobi

Published in Tree Genetics & Genomes 11: 58.

Genetic parameters of Picea abies resistance to the white pine weevil (Pissodes strobi Peck) were estimated from 193 full-sib and 166 half-sib families in six 10-year-old progeny trials. The estimated family and individual heritability values for the cumulative weevil attack rate between ages 6 and 10 (CWA6–10) were high and moderate for both full-sib families (0.61 and 0.28, respectively) and half-sib families (0.85 and 0.40, respectively), indicating strong genetic control for this trait in Norway spruce. The fact that specific combining ability (SCA) variance represents 35 % of the general combining ability (GCA) variance suggests that non-additive (dominant) effects are weak. The strong type B correlations found for CWA6–10 (r ˆ B =0.96  for full-sib families and r ˆ B =0.81  for half-sib families) indicate that family ranks were stable across sites. For three of the five sites with high attack levels, genetic correlations were not significant between CWA6–10 and tree height at age 5. Moderate positive genetic correlations were detected between CWA6–10 and tree diameter at age 10 (r ˆ A   from 0.29 to 0.60), but specific families showing both high resistance and good diameter growth can be found. These results suggest that the genetic improvement of Norway spruce for resistance to white pine weevil can be achieved successfully without adversely affecting growth.

On the relationship between saplings and ingrowth in northern hardwood stands

Published in Forest Ecology and Management 358: 261-271.

We used long-term data collected from 22 study sites in northern hardwood stands comprised of sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.), yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis Britt.), and American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) to establish relationships between sapling abundance and tree ingrowth. After 10 years, postharvest sapling density in the 6 cm diameter class (5.1–7.0 cm) showed linear relationships with ingrowth. Proportion of variation explained (r2) varied from 36% to 83% depending upon tree species and silvicultural treatment (partial cutting vs. uncut control). After 20 years, linear relationships were also established (r2 = 24–65%) between ingrowth and sapling density in the 2 cm diameter class (1.1–3.0 cm). From a wide pool of variables related to stand species composition, climate, physiography, and soil nutrients, postharvest sapling density was most strongly correlated to merchantable tree density (r = 0.43–0.75). Sugar maple sapling density was also positively correlated with base saturation and calcium saturation of the B horizon (r = 0.56 and 0.58). Over a 30-year period, the increase in American beech sapling basal area was substantial compared to mitigated increases found in sugar maple and yellow birch depending upon treatment. Our results provide useful information on integration of sapling data into forest management.

Holocene vegetation dynamics and hydrological variability in forested peatlands of the Clay Belt, eastern Canada, reconstructed using a palaeoecological approach

Published in Boreas 48(1): 131-146

Forested peatlands are widespread in boreal regions of Canada, and these ecosystems, which are major terrestrial carbon sinks, are undergoing significant transformations linked to climate change, fires and human activities. This study targets millennial-scale vegetation dynamics and related hydrological variability in forested peatlands of the Clay Belt south of James Bay, eastern Canada, using palaeoecological data. Changes in peatland vegetation communities were reconstructed using plant macrofossil analyses, and variations in water-table depths were inferred using testate amoeba analyses. High-resolution analyses of macroscopic charcoal >0.5 mm were used to reconstruct local fire history. Our data showed two successional pathways towards the development of present-day forested peatlands influenced by autogenic processes such as vertical peat growth and related drying, and allogenic factors such as the occurrence of local fires. The oldest documented peatland initiated in a wet rich fen around 8000 cal. a BP shortly after land emergence and transformed into a drier forested bog rapidly after peat inception that persisted over millennia. In the second site, peat started to accumulate from ~5200 cal. a BP over a mesic coniferous forest that shifted into a wet forested peatland following a fire that partially consumed the organic layer ~4600 cal. a BP. The charcoal records show that fires rarely occurred in these peatlands, but they have favoured the process of forest paludification and influenced successional trajectories over millennia. The macrofossil data suggest that Picea mariana (black spruce) persisted on the peatlands throughout their development, although there were periods of more open canopy due to local fires in some cases. This study brings new understanding on the natural variability of boreal forested peatlands which may help predict their response to future changes in climate, fire regimes and anthropogenic disturbances.

Beneficial effects of climate warming on boreal tree growth may be transitory

Published in Nature Communications 9(1): 3213.

Predicted increases in temperature and aridity across the boreal forest region have the potential to alter timber supply and carbon sequestration. Given the widely-observed variation in species sensitivity to climate, there is an urgent need to develop species-specific predictive models that can account for local conditions. Here, we matched the growth of 270,000 trees across a 761,100 km2 region with detailed site-level data to quantify the growth responses of the seven most common boreal tree species in Eastern Canada to changes in climate. Accounting for spatially-explicit species-specific responses, we find that while 2 °C of warming may increase overall forest productivity by 13 ± 3% (mean ± SE) in the absence of disturbance, additional warming could reverse this trend and lead to substantial declines exacerbated by reductions in water availability. Our results confirm the transitory nature of warming-induced growth benefits in the boreal forest and highlight the vulnerability of the ecosystem to excess warming and drying.

Ground-layer composition may limit the positive impact of precommercial thinning on boreal stand productivity

Published in Forest Science 63(6): 559-568

In the boreal forest, ground-layer composition may modulate the effects of precommercial thinning (PCT) on stand productivity by affecting tree growth conditions. Based on data from 15 years of PCT monitoring in black spruce (Picea mariana) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands, the objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of PCT on ground-layer composition and the way ground-layer composition is related to tree growth, stand productivity, and the PCT impact on stand productivity. PCT favored lichen expansion in xeric sites. The positive impact of PCT on stand productivity after 15 years was lower in sites with high year-one lichen cover, suggesting that the aboveground positive effect of PCT on growth may have been mitigated by a belowground negative feedback resulting from lichen expansion in xeric sites. Although Sphagnum spp. cover was not affected by PCT, 15-year increase in stand productivity was lower in sites with high year-one Sphagnum spp. cover. These results suggest that xeric stands with high lichen cover should not be targeted for PCT because of either null or negative effects on stand productivity. Subhydric stands with high Sphagnum spp. cover should also be avoided because of lower potential stand productivity.