Seasonal leaching losses of nutrients under containerized 2+0 white spruce seedlings grown outdoors in forest nurseries
Published in TPN 61(2): 23-34.
Following the appointment of the new Cabinet, the Forest Sector now reports to the ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts, while the Wildlife and Parks Sectors report to the ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte aux changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs. Adjustments will be made to the website over time.
Published in TPN 61(2): 23-34.
Published in Biogeosciences 14(14): 3445-3459.
At the northernmost extent of the managed forest in Quebec, Canada, the boreal forest is currently undergoing an ecological transition between two forest ecosystems. Open lichen woodlands (LW) are spreading southward at the expense of more productive closed-canopy black spruce–moss forests (MF). The objective of this study was to investigate whether soil properties could distinguish MF from LW in the transition zone where both ecosystem types coexist. This study brings out clear evidence that differences in vegetation cover can lead to significant variations in soil physical and geochemical properties. Here, we showed that soil carbon, exchangeable cations, and iron and aluminium crystallinity vary between boreal closed-canopy forests and open lichen woodlands, likely attributed to variations in soil microclimatic conditions. All the soils studied were typical podzolic soil profiles evolved from glacial till deposits that shared a similar texture of the C layer. However, soil humus and the B layer varied in thickness and chemistry between the two forest ecosystems at the pedon scale. Multivariate analyses of variance were used to evaluate how soil properties could help distinguish the two types at the site scale. MF humus (FH horizons horizons composing the O layer) showed significantly higher concentrations of organic carbon and nitrogen and of the main exchangeable base cations (Ca, Mg) than LW soils. The B horizon of LW sites held higher concentrations of total Al and Fe oxides and particularly greater concentrations of inorganic amorphous Fe oxides than MF mineral soils, while showing a thinner B layer. Overall, our results show that MF store three times more organic carbon in their soils (BCFH horizons, roots apart) than LW. We suggest that variations in soil properties between MF and LW are linked to a cascade of events involving the impacts of natural disturbances such as wildfires on forest regeneration that determines the vegetation structure (stand density) and composition (ground cover type) and their subsequent consequences on soil environmental parameters (moisture, radiation rate, redox conditions, etc.). Our data underline significant differences in soil biogeochemistry under different forest ecosystems and reveal the importance of interactions in the soil–vegetation–climate system for the determination of soil composition.
Published in Quat. Sci. Rev. 193: 312-322.
Published in Canadian Journal of Forest Research 48(3): 277-284.
Understanding the mechanisms that cause large-scale synchrony in insect population dynamics might yield key insights for predicting potential outbreak occurrence. Here, we evaluated which environmental factors best explain synchronous population fluctuations in the spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana Clem.) (SBW), a major defoliator of coniferous forests in North America. SBW population levels were assessed with pheromone traps during the 1986–2014 period across a 625 000km2 territory located in the province of Québec (Canada). The populations were characterized by abundance fluctuations that were often synchronized across the whole study area. Interannual population fluctuations were correlated with host tree cone production (a source of food) and high May temperatures, suggesting that synchrony was influenced by food availability and phenological mismatch during shoot development. Cone production was itself correlated with low precipitation during the previous summer. This study indicates that bottom-up trophic factors can drive spatiotemporal synchrony in insect populations and contribute to explain important and sustained population increases during some years. We also suggest that several biological processes, all influenced by weather, are likely to interact to explain population synchrony during the different phases of the approximately 35 year SBW outbreak cycle, complicating the prediction of climate change effects on this insect.
Published in International journal of biodiversity science, ecosystem services & management 12(1-2): 116-127
We present a case study in which we assessed the effects of a severe soil perturbation on the plant community and soil variables in young hybrid poplar (Populus sp.) plantations of southern Québec (Canada). Our overall goal was to test if soil perturbation and planting fast-growing species could promote the reestablishment of a relatively diverse plant community. A chronosequence that included three plantations (4, 8, and 12-year old) established after soil scarification, paired with three natural stands representative of the local temperate mixedwood forest comprising both pioneer and late-successional tree species, was implemented. Vegetation surveys and soil collection were performed in 2012 and species traits were provided by the Traits Of Plants In Canada and TRY databases. Principal response curve analyses showed species and functional trait divergence between treated and natural stands at ages 4 and 8, but that those divergences were less at age 12. Species and trait convergences were slower in the scarification furrows than in the scarification berms (mounds between furrows). However, severe site preparation did not appear to affect soil variables on the study sites. Our results suggest that even following severe site preparation, gradual recovery of species and trait composition similar to that of natural stands appears possible in the long term, mainly through fast canopy development by hybrid poplar. However