Chapter V – Roads, sandpits and forest infrastructures
Division III – Bridge, culverts, removable structures and rudimentary structures
§2. Prohibited construction, improvement or repair
Section 90
The construction, improvement or repair of a bridge or a culvert or the installation of a removable structure in a salmonid watercourse must be carried out at all times by using techniques that allow to limit the carrying of sediments outside the work area and thus preserve the attributes of the habitats present such as spawning grounds. The techniques must be adapted to the conditions of the site. The techniques include the drying of the work area, the performance of the work during the period of minimum flow and the installation of a sediment confinement curtain.
The first paragraph does not apply where all the construction, improvement or repair work of a bridge or a culvert or the installation work of a removable structure are done outside the upper limit of the bank.
- To preserve the quality of spawning grounds
- To avoid carrying sediment into an aquatic, wetland or riparian environment
- To preserve the integrity of an aquatic, wetland or riparian environment
Additional information
A salmonid watercourse may host one or more of the following species: lake whitefish, brook trout, ouananiche, Atlantic salmon and lake trout.
A spawning ground affected by sediment deposition following work must be restored as soon as possible.
- To preserve the quality of spawning grounds
Additional information
We recommend that you contact the regional MFFP representatives for information on the appropriate restoration guidelines and techniques before beginning the task of restoring a spawning ground affected by sediment deposition.