Schedule 5
Periods during which the work between the banks will be carried out (excavation, installation of a conduit, backfilling, slope stabilization and work concerning, bridge piers)
1 Presence of the following species of interest: smallmouth bass, walleye, sand pike, rainbow smelt, northern pike, muskellunge, yellow perch
2 Presence of the following salmonids: lake whitefish, brook trout, lake trout
3 Presence of salmon and/or ouananiche
4 Location of an occurrence of a fish species—registered in the list of wildlife species designated threatened or vulnerable or likely to be designated as such—in the proposed work area or in the first 100 metres downstream from the area. For the purposes of this Regulation, occurrence designates a territory (point, line or map polygon) sheltering or having sheltered a species designated threatened or vulnerable or likely to be designated as such. The occurrence may correspond to a single map polygon (or observation point) or a group of nearby polygons. The information on species designated threatened or vulnerable or likely to be designated as such, in particular the information on occurrences, is available from the Minister responsible for the administration of the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife (chapter C-61.1).
Note: Where there is the presence of species of interest and salmonids in the watercourse, the period for carrying out the work to meet corresponds to the time period that covers the two periods indicated in the table above for the species. In the case where the person who intends to carry out the work is unable to meet that period, the person must obtain from the Minister the authorization to carry out the work outside that period as provided for in the third paragraph of section 92 of this Regulation. In this case, the period for carrying out the work for one species over the other could be prioritized and the period determined on the basis of the characteristics of the environment and knowledge on the watercourses in the region concerned.